Sample Labor Complaint Letter

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Wilson Gayle,


23, Hanging Street, LA

January 23, 2012

Mark Richardson,


New Builders Inc,

Los Angeles

Dear Mr. Richardson,

Sub- Complaint about the non-payment labor charges

I am writing this letter to make a complaint against your manager that our union has not been paid labor charges from last three months. I was appointed in the company 6 months back and since the new manager has been appointed the labor union has not been paid a cent.

I hope the management takes an immediate action and ensure that we get our labor charges paid from time to time. If there is some problem with him and he is not able to pay is, please find out that problem and help him in finding appropriate solution to the problem.

We would like to intimate you that if the labor union is not paid in next 15 days, then we planned to go on strike which will hamper the project work.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,

Wilson Gayle,

Union Head

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