Sample General Condlence Letter

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Mrs. Rebecca Matson

654, Park Street,

Albert Rd,

Cincinnati, Ohio

August 2, 2012

Subject: – Condolence on death of your husband

Mrs. Matson,


At first, it was hard to accept this truth that my colleague friend and your husband, John has left us in deep grief.


I offer my deepest condolences on the unexpected demise of John. He was one of my colleagues and we were friends. We had many things in common and we shared greet moments together.


Death is one of the hardest realities in life that everyone has to accept sooner or later. But, we should not loose our strength of mind. After John, you are the person in your house that would take care of all in your family. You have to get out of this sorrow very soon and take responsibilities of your family.

We will always miss John in our heart. May God rest his soul in peace!

You can contact me anytime if you need my help for anything, I will be there for your family.


Thomas Edwards

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