Sample Recognition Congratulations Letter

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Ms. Kristen Stewart



August 11, 2012

Mr. Rock White

Blackpool, UK

Dear Mr. White,

I came to know that you’ll be awarded as the ‘Employee of the Year’ this year and I would like to express my congratulations to you. As a former team leader and co-worker, I know how much you deserve this award.

I remember the hard work and sincere efforts you always put in each and every task assigned to you.  You have always finished and submitted your work on time and you always made sure to promptly submit your reports before the due date. I never experienced any problem when I was your team leader.  Your good work ethics and attitude towards work lifts up my spirit and motivates everyone to work hard as well. You are an asset to the company and it is recommendable to recognize you for your dedication and hard work.

Congratulations again and may you achieve more success in your career.

Yours Faithfully,

Ms. Kristen Stewart

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