Sample Broadcast Cover Letter

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April 1, 2012.

Michael Brown,
Brown and Co Inc,

32-Veronicca Street,

New York

Respected Mr. Brown,

As we are aware that the companies are facing a tough and challenging competition. So it has become a pressure on companies to hire their field staff who are young and are open to new challenges, are dedicated to work, and possess good communication skills and I believe that I would be appropriate for that kind of a post.

I have finished my graduation from the esteemed University of New York. Hence if there are any field opportunities with a scope to grow, as of now or in future I would be grateful to join your esteemed company.

I am available for an interview at your expediency. And I can be reached at the number above should any additional information be needed.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Bentley Thomas

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