Example of Donation Letter in Memory of Someone

Sample Donation Letter in Memory of Someone
Donation Letter in Memory of Someone

Making a donation in the name of the deceased person is a sign of sympathy and humanity. Donation Letter in memory of someone is written to express your condolences for the person who died and show support to the family. Donations are the best and the most generous form of help you can do for someone.

In this post are examples of donation letter in the memory of someone, sample thank you donation letter in memory of someone. This is a simplified temple of memorial donation letter to family that you can use.

Sample Donation Letter in Memory of Someone

Date: 2022/07/01

Mike and Rachel Ross

234, Balshire Road

Manhattan, New York

Dear Mike and Rachel,

In remembrance of my uncle Mr. Kian Ross, I would like to contribute an amount of $1,000,000 to his organization Kindness for the Win. Please find included a check made out to Kindness for the Win Legacy Fund as well as my debit card details. Please send a letter to the following address recognising my donation:

Name: Nick Baker

Address: 34, Yellow Street, Manhattan

City: New York

Zip code: 100006

Payment information:
Payment type: Debit Card
Visa Debit Card Amount: $1,000,000
Name on the card: Nick Baker
Debit card number: 123 456 789
Expiration date: 09/2024

Date: 2022/07/01

Thank you.

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