Mr. John Heights
45, Dr. Smith Ave
Dayton, Ohio – 45213
June 28, 2012
Dear Mr. Heights,
I am Nora Jones, writing as a representative of the ‘Newton Science Council’. Our foundation was established in 2002 by scientists and professionals.
The objective of this foundation is to gather intelligence and resources for the development of this field in the nation.
Our group has been sponsoring scholars and we also hold seminars, assemblies and conferences to spread the knowledge in the society about the new developments in the field of science.
And, to support our activities and scholarships for the needy students, we rely on generous donors. At present, we are raising funds for our upcoming events and scholarships for this year. We are seeking financial contribution from you.
Any donation from your side will help bright students pursuing science and, it will contribute to the society itself.
Thank you and we hope for your generous donation.
Ms. Nora Jones
Newton Science Council