Some teachers are very special and when they leave, it is very emotional moment. If you also have one such teacher or mentor then you can always write an Emotional Goodbye Letter To Teacher and Mentor that rightly expresses your feelings to him or her. A Farewell letter to a teacher is a very simple and heartfelt letter that works as an emotional goodbye letter to teacher.
This post includes a Sample goodbye letter. You can use this format for emotional goodbye letter to students from teacher to write your own heartfelt goodbye letter. Keep this goodbye letter example as the base for creating one such letter.
Emotional Goodbye Letter to Teacher Example, Format
Anthony Brown
54, Richmond Town
Date: October 09, 2023
Mr. Henry Black
B 505, Bougainville Apartments
Dear Mr. Henry,
I am writing this farewell letter to bid adieu to the most wonderful and inspiring teacher I have had in my life. I still remember that you were my first class teacher in St. Joseph School when I was in third grade and since then, it has been almost 5 years since I have known you. And all I can say is that I am going to miss you a lot.
It was wonderful knowing you and learning from you. You have not just helped me academically but you have also helped me in so many other ways which have helped me become a better and stronger person. You are not just a great teacher but you are also an amazing human being and everything that you do, truly inspires me. There are so many motivational stories that you have shared with me which you have no idea, how they have impacted me and my life in a good way. I will always be thankful to you for instilling such good values in me and many other students like me.
Though you will not be here in the school but I know for sure that I will always keep in touch with you because you will always be my most special teacher. With a heavy heart, I bid you goodbye. And I hope that you find the best of success and happiness in your next job.
Adam Smith
Emotional Goodbye Letter to Students from Teacher
Anthony Brown
54, Richmond Town
Date: October 09, 2023
All the Students
Class V-B
Dear Students,
To the wonderful class of V-B, which was like my extended family in the school, I am writing this letter to you all to say goodbye to all of you. I am going to miss teaching all of you and will be missing all the interesting stories and talks that we shared. Though I am going to be leaving St. Anthony School but I will always stay in touch with you all as you all are very special to me.
You all have been very hard working and disciplined students and I am lucky that I got such an amazing class during my tenure. I want to tell you all just one this that never stop believing in yourself and you will be able to achieve the impossible with your hard work and commitment. I have minutely observed you all and I know that you all have the potential to shine bright. You all are different but you all are special in a special one.
Keep studying hard and keep wearing the lovely smiles you have as they have always made each and every day at this school a special one.
Always dream big and work hard to make your dreams a reality. Never compromise with your dreams and never lose your hope and you are eventually going to be shine bright.
I am extremely proud of each one of you and I wish you all good luck with your studies and with your life.
With lots of love,
Adam Smith