Sample Fundraiser for Political Candidate Letter

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<Mention Recipient’s Address Here>

Dear <Recipient’s Name>,


As you probably are aware, <candidate name> is running for <office>. But running a political campaign is costly, and we depend on the financial help of loyal supporters like you to keep moving toward victory.

That’s why I’d like to ask you to give a small amount to the candidacy of <candidate name>. Your money will help <uses for the money>. By becoming a supporter, you can become an even more important part of the political process.

Please check one of the boxes below to indicate how much you’d like to give, or fill in your own amount. Then return this letter and your donation check in the enclosed envelope. You’ll receive <response a donor will receive> for your generosity.

I would like to give:

$25____ $50____ $100____ $200____ Other amount $_____

Thank you for your support of <candidate name>!

Warm Regards,

Encl: <List of enclosed items goes here>

Bentley Thomas

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