Sample Employment Agreement in Letter Format Short Form Letter

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Employment Agreement in Letter Format (Short Form) –

[Name, Company Name & Address here]


Dear [name],


Re: Employment Agreement

We are pleased to know that you have accepted the job offer from [Company name]. Your joining date is [date here]. Your position in our company will be [state position here]

Please go through these terms & conditions of your employment:

1. Your Profile – As [Position here], your duties and responsibilities will include – [State here job description]. In future, you may be given different position & different responsibilities by [Company name], of which you will be notified in writing. In such event, you will continue working in the position you have been assigned with.

2. Amendments in Terms and Conditions – The employment terms & conditions may be changed periodically, according to the requirements of the company. The Company will review your performance on an annual basis; this is when annual appraisal & promotion process takes place.

3. Remuneration – The Company has hired you at a gross annual salary of $[salary amount here], which is payable to you [Monthly/Weekly/Bi-Monthly/Bi-Weekly] in arrears.

4. Leaves – During your tenure with [Company name], you are entitled to take leaves according to the norms of the company. Your leaves are to be taken before informing the senior authorities in advance.

5. Disbursements – The Company will compensate you according to its policies for all expenses incurred by you while performing your duties under this employment agreement. For all kinds of expenses, you are required to produce the bills & vouchers as and when required.

6. Services – You are expected to dedicate your whole duty time and abilities to the business of the company, and you will serve this organization with your best efforts.

7. Independent Legal Advice – You agree that the company has advised you to obtain independent legal advice related to the terms of this employment contract. You validate that you have either acquired such advice or decided not to do so, and you completely understand the terms and conditions of this employment agreement.

8. Copy of Agreement – You acknowledge receiving a copy of this agreement signed by the company.

If you agree to the above, please sign the two copies with a witness, and return one copy to the company.



[Company Name]

Per: __________________________________

I have read, understood and accept the terms of this employment agreement.


Date: __________

…………………………………………..                  ………………………………………….

Witness                                                                        [Employee Name]

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