Sample Excessive Prolonged Lunch Breaks Letter

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Excessive Prolonged Lunch Breaks –

[Name, Company Name & Address here]


Dear [name],

We value as an asset of this organization. You work hard and efficiently in your capacity for this company. And, thus, we are certain that we will happily keep you employed on mutually-beneficial terms in the future. As we had a discussion on [date], we happily give you your own space; however we need your services totally dedicated to our business during your shift. If any employee takes more than allowed time for lunch break, it directly affects their productivity in one or more ways.

While we understand it well that breaks are required during a long shift, unhappily, we say that you often extend your lunch break for [no. of minutes] to [no. of minutes] minutes which is really unacceptable in our company.

[Employee first name], if there is really an unusual condition because of which you have to extend your lunch break, please do share it with us, and we will see what can be done to solve this issue.Otherwise, I am very confident that you will deal with the situation on your own, and will exceed our expectations in the future by performing better.



[Your name]


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