To Health Benefits Insurer Requesting Reimbursement for Expenses
[Name, Company Name & Address here]
Dear [name],
Please find enclosed a filled medical claim form along with the receipts of an amount of $[amount] related to [State expense nature here]
So, kindly please send us a Check payable to the concerned employee for the above amount.
You are requested to direct all communications to our address mentioned on our letterhead and, please mark all messages as “Personal and Confidential”.
[Your name]
Encl: [List Enclosures]
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Top Sample Letters Terms:
- sample letter for reimbursement of medical expenses
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- medical reimbursement letter
- sample letter requesting reimbursement of expenses
- medical claim letter format
- sample request letter for reimbursement of medical expenses
- sample letter for medical reimbursement
- sample letter of reimbursement of medical expenses
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