Sample Professional Introduction Letter

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Sandra Simon,

QMC Group

28 June 2012

Mr. Thomas Cook


Bluestar Enterprises

New York

Dear Mr. Cook,

I am writing this letter to introduce to you my close friend and business associate Ms. Carla Bruney. She has been a close friend and I have also enjoyed the privilege of being professionally associated with her.

Ms. Bruney owns a chain of restaurants in London and has been more than successful in her ventures. She has now decided to expand her business globally and has convinced herself to open a similar chain in New York. She had requested me to introduce her to potential partners in New York. Upon hearing about you and your ventures, she has expressed her desire to meet you.

I would appreciate it if you can meet up with her and be of any assistance if you can. She will get in touch with you once she reaches New York which is to happen mostly by the end of this month.

Warm Regards,

Sandra Simon,


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