Sandra Simon,
Funfair Associates,
29 March 2012
Mr. John Newman,
Goodwill Associates
New Jersey
Dear Mr. John,
Do your consumers often complain about dirty corners and difficulty in reaching the roof edges? If yes is the answer, then we have the correct product for you. We at Funfair Associates have designed the perfect vacuum cleaner for your customers.
This appliance is not only light weight but power efficient and durable too. It is designed to operate on wet floors, rough edges and delicate surfaces like your television. It has a total of seven attachments which facilitate the same features. It comes with a warranty of one year and a cash back offer if found unsatisfactory. You can be assured of the high quality of the appliance.
I would be happy to give you a demo at your office whenever it is convenient to you. You can call me anytime in this regard. Thanks for your time.
Sandra Simon,
Manager Sales.
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