Invitation letters are written with an intention to invite people for any formal occasion, event or even meetings. The idea is to request the presence of the reader of the letter as well as sharing details about the event and asking the recipient to confirm the presence.
In this post, we bring to you a sample of an invitation letter to a street party. You can use this format for invitation letter to street party for creating a personalized letter which will include all the required details in order to help you with your customized draft.
Format for Invitation Letter to a Street Party
Henry Brown
HSB Community
New York
Date: August 11, 2023
The Residents
HSB Community
New York
Dear Residents,
The committee at the HSB Community has decided to organize a street party for all the residents and we are inviting everyone to join us to make it a fun event.
The party is going to come live at the Johnson Street on August 10th at 6 pm and it is going to continue till midnight. Michael Smith is going to be our host for the event and is going to make sure that we have the best celebrations ever. The upcoming musical band named Energy is also going to be performing at the event and will make sure that we all have a fantastic evening. There will be lots of food stalls that will also be set up along the street for you to enjoy the street food. Lots of popular food trucks from our vicinity are going to offer the most delicious treats at the event.
So make sure that you don’t miss this biggest event of the year. Don’t forget to confirm your presence with Bill at 9898989898 as this will help us plan things in a better way.
Looking forward to your presence.
Henry Brown
HSB Community
New York