Richmond White
Personnel Manager,
Fairfield technologies
West Virginia
Dear Richmond,
Re. Maternity Leave
As you are aware that I am pregnant and the baby is due in third week of July 2012 and thus I wish to avail my maternity leave from the week starting from 16th July 2012. I have not taken any annual leave and my annual leaves are still available to me totally and I wish to add the same to my maternity leave. I have enclosed the requisite form as per the rules for your perusal and action.
I also wish to avail my full maternity allowance for the period. I shall avail full maternity leave till 5th September 2012 and want you to confirm if you accept the date of rejoining. If I wish to return to work sooner, I am aware that I have to inform you of the same. Also, if I am late in rejoining work due to any reason, I shall inform my reasons.
I sincerely hope to hear from you at the earliest regarding confirmation of my maternity leave and rejoining date.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Heather Smith
Encl. Maternity Leave form as per rules
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