Sample Employment Agreement Letter

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This paper has important lawful consequences. You should sincerely consider having it reviewed by an attorney before you sign it

This Agreement is made between [Company name with address], and [Employee name with address] –
The Company hereby agrees to employ employee to carry out tasks in such manner as the Company may from time to time direct.

The Employee agrees that (he/she) will perform the tasks assigned to (him/her) to the best of (his/her) capability, to keep a complete account of (his/her) job and expenses, to remit Company any amount paid to (him/her) or, placed in (his/her) possession belonging to Company, to dedicate (his/her) full and complete time to the business of Company, and to avoid engaging in any other business during the tenure of his service with Company.


The Employee hereby assigns to Employer the all rights of formation and possession of all materials, ideas and other physical and indefinable assets produced by or resulting from the efforts under the terms of this employment agreement. All trademarks, patents, copyrights, and products that result from the work don under this Agreement shall also be the sole property of the Employer.

Confidential Information:
Any information related to the developments of Employer and its business are to be deemed ‘trade secrets’ of Employer. The Employee agrees to sign and abide by a non-disclosure contract about the use and discretion of this information, when required by the Employer. Infringement of the non-disclosure may, may result in immediate termination from the organization under this Agreement.

The Employee agrees that upon employment termination, whether voluntary or involuntary, (he/she) will not involve in commercial activity that could reasonably be understood as a competition with the Employer for a period of [non-competition period] from the concluding employment date, and termination of this Agreement.

In consideration of the preceding, the Company agrees to pay to the Employee, a salary of $[amount], per [payment basis], plus reasonable accepted expenses incurred for the Company business.


Effective Date:

This agreement shall is effective from [start date], and remains in effect until it is ended by either party. Any party may end this agreement by giving the other party a notice of [duration] about their intention. In case this agreement is ended by any party, the Employee agrees that the imbursement to the date of employment termination shall fully satisfy all claims against the Company under this agreement.

The Employee understands and agrees that the job is terminable at will by employer and, shall not be considered an employment contract for a particular term or minimum period.
General Conditions:

In any action or suit to implement any right or remedy under this Employment Agreement or to construe any provision of this Agreement, the winning party shall be entitled to recover its expenses that includes the attorney’s fees.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on [date].

[Employee name]

[Company Signatory]

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