Mr. /Ms ……………. (Full Name)
Managing Director
…………………. (Company Name)
Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2012
Mr. /Ms ……………. (Full Name)
…………………… (Designation)
…………………. (Company Name)
Dear Mr. /Ms ……………….
Ref: Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2012 Dated …………..
I have immense pleasure to congratulate you on your well deserved promotion to the position of Sales and Marketing Manager which was collectively approved by the Board of Directors based on a review of your performance.
I hope that this recognition of your performance will spur you onto greater achievement and laurels in the service of the Company.
Warm regards
Best Wishes.
Yours faithfully,
Managing Director
Place: …………Dated …………..
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