Sample Business Promotion Letter

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……………………… (Name)

Sales & Marketing Manager

Phone: ………………

Mobile ………………

Fax: …………………


The Managing Director

………………… (Company Name)

………………… (Address)

………………… (City)

PIN: ……………

Phone: ………….

Dear Sir,

Sub: Marketing & Sales of our Products.

  1. We are a reputed Company of 25 years standing dealing in Furniture (or any other product) of high quality with ISI Certification. We are approved suppliers to some of the well known Companies in …………. (State/Region), as per list attached at Annexure-1.
  2. We have noted that your Company has established a new Branch recently at the above premises. We are keen to promote our products in your establishment and create new business clientele as we specialize in office furniture.
  3. We request you to give an appointment to visit your establishment and demonstrate our products at your leisure and convenience.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

……………. (Signature)

……………. (Name & Designation)

Place: ……………..Date: ………………

Encl: List

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