Sample Army Promotion Letter of Recommendation Letter

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Date: 12 April 2012

Memorandum for Commander US Army Regency,

New York

[Subject: Letter of Recommendation for Mark Smith]

It is with immense pleasure that I recommend Mark Smith for the Post of Commander in US Army Regency. I have been his senior rater for the past two years and can personally attest to his intelligence, fortitude, and professionalism. His students, as well as his peers, confirm his exceptional qualities as a leader, trainer, and motivator.

Mark Smith has performed his duties in an exceptional manner. He possesses a breadth and depth of Technical knowledge seldom seen in an officer of his rank. Mark Smith has the natural ability to express complicated and technical information clearly and concisely. His patience and compassion will serve his well as a Commander and I guarantee his continued success as a leader.

I am convinced Mark Smith will be successful in any endeavor attempts.

If I may be of further assistance, please contact me via email at p[email protected]

Promotions Department,

US Army,


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