Resignation Letter with Complaint Letter

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Mr. John Anderson

The Director,
Simon & Jerry Sales Corp.

Buffalo, NY – 12563

March 20, 2012.

Dear Mr. Anderson,

This is in regard to my resignation from the post of Executive Secretary in ‘Simon & Jerry Sales Corp’.

I would like to inform you that because of the unjustifiable harassment of the Branch Manager, Mr. David Hamilton, I am forced to resign from my position.

In the past, I made many complaints to the senior authorities, but nothing was ever done regarding this mater. Now, I am unable to work under these circumstances and hence, I resign from this company.

I request you for ensuring that my dues are clear and I am relieved by the end of my notice period. I will work for another two weeks as a mandatory rule for employee resignation.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours Sincerely,

Ann Warren
(Executive Secretary)

Simon & Jerry Sales Corp.

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