Resignation Letter to Principal Letter

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Dr. Ryan Wallace

The Principal
Bright Future High School

London – SE45 2KG

12th, February, 2012


Dear Mr. Wallace,

I would like to inform you that I want to resign form my position of ‘Chemistry Teacher’ in Bright Future High School.

I will be working till 11th March, 2012. I am serving a notice period of one month as per this association’s rule.

Further, I would like to share it with you that I have been offered to do my ‘Ph.D’ at the prestigious ‘Oxford University’. I feel that this is a great chance that will help me achieve new heights of success in my career ahead. I need extra time for completing my ‘Ph.D’, and thus, I am resigning.

Over these years, I worked with immense gratification in your school. This educational institute not only helped me enrich my professional experience, but I also got the opportunity to meet some great people here that have become friends with me for life.

I gained so much here, knowledge, professional development and more that is hard to define in words. And, this is the reason that with utmost regret I am resigning from this school.

Please accept my resignation. I will be guiding my successor about the school procedures during my notice period.


Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,
Chris Hayes

Ph. – 8254587455

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