Retirement Letter of Acceptance Letter

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January 26, 2012

Mr. Wilson Gayle


Robert software solutions,

Dear Wilson,

We have gone through your retirement letter received on 22nd January 2012 from the position of Sales Manager with the Robert software solutions. The firm accepts your retirement letter with a heavy heart. You will continue to receive your salary till your last date of employment. In addition you will receive number of services and benefits that you may be eligible to retain as a retiree from our organization.

Your experience and expertise always helped the company to come out of outstanding situations. You have been looking into each and every aspect of sales and marketing department for the last 15 years. Thanks a lot for guiding the entire company with your expertise. We appreciate your valuable participation with the firm and we wish all the best for your life ahead.

Thank you for your dedicated service and we wish you a happy and a peaceful life ahead.


Thomson Dale.


Robert software solutions.

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