Sympathy Letter to Boss Letter

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Mr. Andy Gilbert,

15, Stalk Lane, Pantaloon Street,





Respected Sir,

I am filled with remorse to know the sudden death of your grand father Mr. Wilson. I have been associated with your association since your grand father’s control and it was like a dream come true to work under him. He has always been an amazing person, an excellent entrepreneur and most importantly a very good human.

I know you were very close to him and I can understand your state of mind. I know no words or deeds can console you. It will be a tough job for you to manage the office without his guidance, just have faith in almighty; he will be always there to guide you and bless you. I will always be there for you and to help you regarding any matter. Feel free to let me know if there is any work for me. My deep condolences to you and your family.

May his soul rest in peace.

With love,

Mr. Thomson.

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