Sympathy Thank You Letter

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Mr. Andy Gilbert

15, Stalk Lane, Pantaloon Street,





Dear Mr. Gilbert,

I would like to convey my earnest thankfulness for your mail sent concerning your concerns for Tom’s accident. I am glad to read your letter which has shown deep sympathy for us. I have informed Tom about this; he also appreciated your kind gesture.

At this moment of misery, I needed someone who is strong enough to help me face this bitter fact of life. And your letter was a great help for both of us. Your powerful sentiments also helped Tom to recover fast from his leg injury. At this time, we are feeling very safe on being surrounded by kind people like you. Kindly stay in touch with us and I will keep you updating on my brother’s health.

Please accept my appreciation for your kind and healing words. You can contact me at 123 456 7890 and at [email protected]


Warm Regards

Sandra Simon

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