Complimentary Letter with Individual Commendation

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Our “Talent Night in Manhattan” promotion was greeted with a great deal of enthusiasm by the people of community, and I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate all of your encouragement and support.

As always, whole staff at ABCD was extremely enthusiastic, cooperative and helpful. I must, however, single out one in particular who worked exceptionally hard to make it the success it was.

This is Elizabeth Smith, who seems to have an unlimited amount of energy and holds firmly to the conviction that if it is worth doing, it is worth doing it right. It is absolutely fair to say that without her help, this event would not have been nearly as successful as it was. We played to a full house. What more is there to say!

We will be looking forward to a repeat performance. It has been a joy working with your amazing cooperative staff. Pass my regards to the whole team and specially to Elizabeth for her efforts

 Complimentary Letter with Individual Commendation

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