Terminating Advertising Agency: Unhappy with Services
[DATE, ex. Thursday, February 2, 2012]
Sean Peterson
123 Lane, Area 456,
City, State, Pin Code]
Dear [Name, ex. Sean Peterson],
Sadly, we were doing business with your company during the past [DURATION of BUSINESS, ex. One year]. But your company could not provide quality services as promised.
We regret, therefore, we no longer would require your services. Unfortunately, we have decided to terminate retaining your services. [STATE REASON(S), Our analysis for the past one year clearly tells us that the benefits of your services do no justify with the fees charged.] Thus, we deem it beneficial to terminate our relationship.
Thank you for the services you have provided to us for past one year. We certainly wish you the best in the future for your business.
Yours faithfully,
[SENDER’S NAME, ex. Bob Travolta]
Download Terminating Advertising Agency Displeased With Results Letter In Word Format