Displeased With Advertising Agency Performance
[DATE, ex. Thursday, February 2, 2012]
Sean Peterson
123 Lane, Area 456,
City, State, Pin Code]
Dear [Name, ex. Sean Peterson],
Sadly, we were doing business with your company during the past [DURATION of BUSINESS, ex. One year]. But your company could not provide quality services as promised.
We regret, therefore, we no longer would require your services. Unfortunately, we have decided to terminate retaining your services. [STATE REASON(S), Our analysis for the past one year clearly tells us that the benefits of your services do no justify with the fees charged.] Thus, we deem it beneficial to discuss our business relationship for us.
Please get in touch with me at 123-456-7890 to discuss this matter in detail. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
[SENDER’S NAME, ex. Bob Travolta]
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