Sample Political Fundraising Letter

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Ms. Susan Evans, 45, Tri-Arch Residency, Monk Ave. Sunnyvale, C.A. – 41256   January 10, 2012   Dear Ms. Susan Evans, With reference of Mr. Richard, Spokesman, Tampa People’s Party, I am writing this letter regarding the fundraising program of the group. Please find an attached receipt along with this letter – you can mail … Read more

Sample Orphanage Fundraising Letter

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To: Laura Ford, 1252, Arthur Rd, Tampa, Florida- 45143   Dear Mrs. Ford, I am ‘Ruby Watson’, writing this letter on behalf of the ‘Children of the God Orphanage’. In the year of 2001, our organization came into existence by the generous support of kind citizens who wanted to help orphans of this city. Mr. … Read more

Sample Nonprofit Fundraising Letter

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To: Stephanie Carols 21, Megan Dr Oak Park, IL – 25241 April14, 2012   Dear Ms. Stephanie Carols, Our orphanage ‘Seven Colors’ has been working for strengthening the deserted children of the society. We have been working for these children since the past 10 years. We provide food, clothes, and quality education to these underprivileged … Read more

Sample Mission Trip Fund Raising Fundraising Letter

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Mrs. Julia Edger House No 45, Daisy St. Lismore, New South Wales – 2334 August 20, 2012 Dear Mrs. Edger, I am Max Thomson, writing on behalf of the ‘Happy Kids’ society. Our group is working for the poor and needy children. Our society works for the orphan children and take care of their basic … Read more

Sample Medical Mission Fundraising Letter

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Mr. Ryan Donald 52, Green Island Society, West Land Dr. Pomona, C.A. -52416   Dear Mr. Donald, The purpose of this letter is to introduce our foundation to you. ‘Students Medicare Society’, our organization has been formed by medical students of different medical colleges in the city. We are based in Tampa, Florida. Apart from … Read more

Sample Marathon Fundraising Letter

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To: The Citizens of Austin City, Texas – 45263   March 5, 2012   Dear Friends, I am Dennis West, a representative of the ‘Awakened People’. Our group is well known among the citizens of this city. We are engaged in social causes. We work for the awareness among the people about different issues – … Read more

Sample General Fundraising Letter

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Mr. Samuel Reynolds 52, North St, Clewiston, Florida – 03247 June 6, 2012   Dear Mr. Reynolds, You must be aware of the flood disaster that mainly hit the seaside market area and damaged everything that was there. Ours is a trust that works for different kinds of social causes. We are now planning to … Read more

Sample Solicitation Fundraising Letter

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Ms. Emma White 527, New Town St. New Castle, New South Wales – 2300     Dear Ms. White, This is Harold Owens, representing ‘Open Hands Charitable Society’. I am writing this letter to you to seek financial donations for supporting a High School located in your community. We run this school for the poor … Read more