Sample Library Donation Letter

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Ms. Miguel Richards


Thoughtful Minds Library

San Jose, California

March 16, 2011


Dear Ms. Richards,

I am David Peterson, the director of ‘Clear View Publishers’, writing this letter to donate 200 science books to your library for the help of needy students.

Our company is into publishing for the past ten years and we have been donating books to schools & other institutions for the students who cannot afford to buy new books to study.

This year, we are donating our books to libraries that do not charge or, charge very nominal to students for their books and your library is one of them.

Books are the first keys to knowledge and donating books is our way to share our success with the society and, a public library like yours is a great place to make them easily accessible for all the needy students.

We hope many students will get benefited through these books.



Mr. David Peterson

Clear View Publishing House

San Jose, California

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