Sample Parental Leave Letter

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Mrs. Sandra Williams,

Class Teacher,

Blue Heaven School,


Dear Mrs. Williams,

I am writing this letter for granting two day leaves to my child Andy Smith studying in your class III. Yesterday he met with an accident while cycling on the road. He has got several bruises all over his body, and he is very scared. The doctor has advised him to take two days off from school.

I request you to consider his absence as leave and please oblige.

Thanking you

Kind Regards

Arnold Smith

(F/O Gary Young,

Grade III)

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1 thought on “Sample Parental Leave Letter”

  1. I am writing to request leave of absence on 12-3-14 to my children M.Dhivakharan ,M.Dhivyaprabaa and M.Dhivya Sree studying in your class II standard C sec.. Yesterday they went to the temple in pudukottai .
    I request you to consider they absence as leave ,and also Please give opportunity they are write the hindi exam .


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