If by mistake you have ended up paying extra money for your phone bill then you can always ask the company to refund you the extra payment that you have made against your phone bill and you can do that just by writing a letter for the same.
We have come up with a template for letter to refund an extra payment made on phone bill for you to refer. You can use this example letter for creating a personalized letter to send to that telecom company. It is going to be a simple and short letter and must include all details about the bill and the number.
Format for Letter to Refund Extra Payment Made on Phone Bill
Richard Brown
88, St. Anthony’s Apartments
New York
Date: January 03, 2024
The Accountants Manager
Zee Telecom Company
New York
Sub: Regarding Refund of Extra Payment.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I, Richard Smith, am writing this letter to bring to your notice that I have made an extra payment for the month of January 2024. While going through my accounts, I came across the bill and receipt for that particular month and realized that the billing amount was $ 150 and by mistake I have paid an amount of $ 250.
Therefore, I am writing this letter to request you to kindly refund me the extra payment of $ 100 that I have made on my phone number 9898989898. I would appreciate if you could have the amount refunded to me in form of a cheque. If you need any more information on the same issue then please feel free to get in touch with me.
Looking forward for your response.
Thanking you.
Richard Brown
88, St. Anthony’s Apartments
New York