Congratulatory Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456,

City, State, Pin Code

February 23, 2012
[Mention Recipient’s Address Here]

Congratulations [on the achievement]! It’s always satisfying to see sincere and talent workers get rewarded.

One thing I’m sure you’ve learned along the way is the importance of good business relationships and working with people you can count on. This not only makes your work easier, but it reflects well on your achievements. We at XYZ Company are dedicated to providing best quality [product or service]. [Advantages of product or service.]

I’ll call you [time] to [desired result]. I look forward to speaking with you and exploring how we might meet your needs. Again, congratulations and wish you continued success in future also.

Thanking you,

Warm Regards,

Bob Travolta
Encl: [List of enclosed items goes here]

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