Received Order Back Order Letter

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123 Lane, Area 456,

City, State, Pin Code
February 24, 2012
[Mention Recipient’s Address Here]


Thank you for placing your order [reference to order] of [items ordered] with our company. We regret to inform you that we will not be able to process the [merchandise/items/products] you ordered. The product you ordered [are/is] not available with us at this time. We will have [them/it] back again in stock by [date] with us.

We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused and will notify you as soon as we can fill your order. [Optional description of what can be shipped now.] Thank you for your patience. I hope to work with you in near future.

Warm Regards,

Bob Travolta
encl: [List of enclosed items goes here]

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2 thoughts on “Received Order Back Order Letter”

  1. Hai …..

    I need some sample letters related to stock requisition so if you send stock requisition letters to my mail i will refer.


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