Security Deposit Confirmation Letter Format, Template

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Security Deposit Confirmation Letter Format, Security Letter Template Example
Security Deposit Confirmation Letter

The security deposit letter format works as a proof of receipt of deposit of the tenants’ security amount. A security deposit confirmation letter format works as a formal document that is signed by the tenant as well the landlord once the deposit has been paid by the tenant. The security deposit proof of receipt template works as addendum to lease that provides the verification that tenant has paid the deposit. There are also security deposit balance confirmation letters as well as security deposit return letter example that are used by landlords and tenants.

In this post, we have come up with security deposit confirmation letter example to help you create your own letter and also protect the tenant, landlord and future buyers.

Example of Security Deposit Confirmation Letter Format

This document proves that the tenant, Mr. Anthony John, has paid the landlord, Mr. Richard Smith, a security deposit of $ 5,000 (Five thousand dollars) on February 5th, 2021. This verifies that the tenant agrees to the terms and conditions of the receipt and also with the return of the deposit as mentioned in the lease agreement.

Address: 88, Orange County Apartments, New York

This document also serves as the Security Deposit Annual Report of the tenant. Shared below as the details of the tenant’s security deposit:

Account holder’s name: Divine Properties

Account number: 123456

Account name: Escrow

Bank name: American Bank

Bank address: 2080, 5th Avenue, New York

Annual Interest Rate: 0.50%

Security Deposit Amount Paid: $ 5000

Annual Interest Due for Tenant: $ 25

The tenant has paid the annual interest that was due as per the date of the notice.


(Anthony John)

Date: March 15th, 2021


(Richard Smith)

Date: March 15th, 2021

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