Note Secured by Deed of Trust Straight Note

NOTE SECURED BY DEED OF TRUST (STRAIGHT NOTE) $…………. ……..(city and state)…… ..(date)… `………………………………………….after date for value received I promise to pay to ………………… …………………………………………….or order, at ………………………………………………… payable………………. or sooner, secured by Assignment of Deed of Trust on the following described land: (Legal Description) Should default be made in payment of principal or interest, … Read more

Letter of Default on Promissory Note

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LETTER OF DEFAULT ON PROMISSORY NOTE     Date: _   To: _     Reference is made to a certain promissory note under date of _, 20_, in the original amount of $_. You have defaulted under said note in that the installment due on _, 20_, in the amount of $_ is outstanding. … Read more