Announcement of Change of Address For Billing

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Dear Gentlemen:

As you all were aware that our new office was under construction. This makes me extremely delighted to inform you all that our new building construction is now completed and we have shifted into our brand new offices from last week.

Please note that our new address and telephone number will be as follows:

(address)(city, state, zip)(telephone, fax)

I would like to request you to please bring this into the notice of your accounts department too. Thank you in advance for the cooperation. In case of any inconvenience, I would like to apologize.

Announcement of Change of Address For Billing


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1 thought on “Announcement of Change of Address For Billing”

  1. Please post or refer any letter sample for if there any letter like “wrongly posted billing letter to another address instead of main address & now the company want to notify them about it”. Thank you.


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