Letter of Encouragement to Sales Staff

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TO: Sales Department


Dear ( Name of Company ) Family Member:

There are two sides to the story, two sides of a coin, and two ways to face the day.

There are always the prophets of doom and the cynics who will be happy to lead their followers through long periods of drought and famine.

When an unfortunate individual starts blaming his own failures on others, and on conditions over which he has no control, he can usually forget about achieving his goals.

There are good times and bad times, but at all times there are sales that are made and sales that are lost.

You have all proven that you are not only capable, but excel as salesmen. I am proud of the accomplishments of our sales force and know that nothing can hold back the motivated individual who has an excellent product to sell.

In the months to come, I feel confident that you will persevere in a manner that will result in an increase in sales and commissions to each and every one of you that will far exceed our projections.

The outlook for the coming year is brighter than it has been for some time. With a positive, assertive attitude, nothing can stop us!

Letter of Encouragement to Sales Staff

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