How to Write a Letter of Encouragement to a Friend + Sample

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Life is full of challenges and amidst these challenges, we sometimes find ourselves dejected and lost. In these times, a few words of encouragement can fill us with new energies. If you also have a friend who is struggling with some challenges in life then writing a letter of encouragement to him or her is a sweet gesture. The encouragement letter to a friend can help your friend feel motivated and positive about life just when he or she is at the lowest point in life.

In this post, we have come up with an encouragement letter to best friend example. And if you are thinking how to write a letter of encouragement to my friend then there are few tips included in this post to help you with.

Tips to Write a Letter of Encouragement to a Friend

Here are some guidelines to follow if you are planning to write an encouragement letter to your friend:

  • Make sure that you are able to convey your purpose of writing the letter in a proper manner. The intent of the letter should be clear.
  • Always make the first paragraph gripping and interesting to read.
  • Make sure that there are no spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in the letter.
  • Keep the letter short and concise. Do not make it too long or too boring to read.
  • Keep the tone of the letter warm and positive.

Sample Encouragement Letter to Friend


Samantha Gibbs

54, Richmond Lane,

New York

Date: October 21st, 2021


Amanda John

88, Henry Lane,

New York

Dear Amanda,

I have been thinking about you from quite some time off late, especially because of what all is going on in your life. Sometimes there are certain times in life when things don’t seem to be working out and situations seem to be going out of our hands but this is the time when we must have faith in our Gods that things will be fine soon.  After all, there is a sunrise after every sunset.

I understand that you are dejected and tired because of the health issues that have been bothering you but I must say that you have been extremely strong throughout this phase and very soon all this is going to end. You have always stayed positive and always followed each and every treatment and medicines that were prescribed to you. Soon all this is going to end and you will be able to resume your health. At this point in time, you must not lose your patience but stay motivated.

I have always known you as a strong girl and there have been so many times when you have motivated me and compelled me to not give up. This time, I want to remind you all that you have done to keep me strong.

These are certainly very difficult times but things are only going to improve from here. I just want to tell you that I am with you through these rough times and together we will soon be celebrating your wellness and happiness. I cannot wait to have you back in college and share my lunch with you in the canteen, watch movies with you on the weekends and go shopping.

I just want you to think of the good times that are soon going to arrive and just have this difficult time pass with patience. Don’t give up on your health and hold on my friend, as everything is soon going to start falling in place.

Always remember that there is solution to every problem in this world and the complicated health situation in your life will also get sorted. Just stay strong and we will soon be reliving the good old times.

Lots of love,


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