Sample Loss of Father In Law Congratulation Letters

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Mrs. Sandra Garrison Principal St. John’s College of Economics Abraham Dr, Chicago, Illinois -52413   July 30, 2012     Dear Sandra, It was really upsetting to know to know about this unfortunate incident – demise of your father-in-law. I know that you were very close to him since the beginning of your new married … Read more

Sample Thank You Condence Letter

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Mr. Robert Gomes & Mrs. Shania Gomes 23, Stevens Block Sky High Apartments South Kensington London – D4 2FA   Dear Robert & Mary, I must say here that the sympathy card I received from both of you did a great healing to me during the past days. Yes, I got so many condolence notes … Read more

Sample Boss Condolence Letter

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Mr. Donald Shine Manager Human Resource Department, Innovative Technologies Austin, Texas – 52416   July 30, 2012     Dear Sir, I understand that it may not be the right time to read this letter, but still I request you to spend few minutes of your time for it. I was really sorry to hear … Read more

Sample Email Condolence Letter

From: ……………………………………… To: ……………………………….  (Email URL) CC: …………………………….. BCC: …………………………… Subject: Condolence I offer my hearty condolences on the sudden demise of your father on 28th January because of cardiac failure. I pray to God to give strength & courage to your family to bear the loss. Download Sample Email Condolence Letter in Word

Sample Bussiness Condolence Letter

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From: Mr ………………………… ……………… (Place) …………………. (Name of Co) …………………. (Address) Phone: ………….. ……………… (Date) Dear …………………. (First Name} I was very upset after knowing from the ‘Annual Statement of Accounts’ that your business has suffered a huge loss for the FY 2011-12 because of recession. I want to express my hearty condolences on the … Read more