Compliment Letter Sample for Good Customer Service

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Compliment Letter for Good Customer Service
Compliment Letter for Great Customer Service

The best thing to make a day of an employee / team in business is to receive a compliment letter for good customer service. A compliment letter from a customer means a lot for any organization and is a reminder to keep working and serving their best to the people. Here are some compliment letters writing tips and a compliment letter sample for good customer service.

Compliment Letter for Great Customer Service Template


Mr. Jack Cooper

45, Green Bungalows,

Houston, Texas, United States of America

Date: July 27, 2022


The Manager

CYG Restaurant

Houston, Texas, United States of America

Subject: Letter of compliment

Dear Sir,

I write this letter as an appraisal for you and your staff for the service. I would like to say a big thank you to the entire team at CYG for being so humble and providing an exceptional service.

I think it is very fair for me to talk about this. I had friends over from India and we decided to visit CYG for dinner that day. My friends were having some trouble ordering because they were having a hard time adjusting to the taste of the States. I remember the manager and the head chef coming up to us and helping us out by especially cooking some Indian cuisines.

We were very pleased and satisfied with the service and the efforts that the team had put in. We look forward to coming back at CYG very soon.

Thank you for your service and keep up the great work.

Sincerely and gratefully,

Mr. Jack Cooper

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