Compliment Letter Format, Examples – How to Write

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Compliment Letter Format, Examples
Sample Compliment Letter

A compliment letter is written as an acknowledgment and appraisal of someone’s work. It is never a bad idea to drop in an appreciation letter to someone be it your friends, family or colleagues. The smallest of victories deserve to be celebrated because they serve as a motivation for people to continue doing the good work. Express your gratitude to your loved ones by writing to them from these sample compliments letter format.

Sample Compliments Letter Format

A basic compliment letter is written as a performance appraisal to an individual. Such letters always have a personal touch with genuineness. Here is how to write a sample compliment letter with a compliment letter format.


Mr. Ross Grey

The Chief

Human Resource and Finance

Date: July 21, 2022


Mr. Mike KL

Junior Financial Analyst

AYZ Technologies

Subject: Compliment letter

Dear Mike,

I hope you are doing well. It aches our heart to break it to you that you have been promoted for the position of Senior Financial Analyst in the company. You have worked very hard for getting here and we are all very proud of you.

You have consistent and determined with your work. You are an inspiration to a lot of us here at the office. As a reward for your hard work, the management has decided to give you a cabin of your own. How great is that!

We wish you all the luck and success for your future endeavors. May you achieve the greatest of heights.


Mr. Ross Grey


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