Letter to Editor of Newspaper on any Social Issue Example

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Letter to Editor of Newspaper on Social Issue
Letter to the Editor Format

Writing a Letter to Editor of newspaper on any Social Issue is always a good thing to do as a responsible citizen.  You can send a letter to editor highlighting any of the social issues that you see around you. If you are thinking of writing one such letter then you can always follow the Letter to Editor Format with Sample. The letter to editor on current issues is a simple letter that includes the social issues about which you wish to talk about.

If you wish to Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper then we bring to you a Sample Letter to the Editor about a Social Problem that can work as a help for you in creating a personalized letter.

Letter Format to Editor of Newspaper on Any Social Problem


Anthony Black

45, Richmond Apartments

New York

Date: June 28, 2022


The Editor

New York Times

New York

Respected Sir/ Ma’am,

I am writing this letter to bring to your notice the rising crime rate in the suburbs of New York City and I would be very grateful if you could highlight the same in your esteemed newspaper to bring the attention of the government and police towards the same.

In the span of last six months, the rate of crime in the New York suburbs has shot up beyond belief. There is a gang of college dropouts who are supposed to be committing small crimes in the area like pickpocketing and thefts but if they are not stopped at the earliest, the problem can take a very serious shape.

It is quite surprising that the authorities are not taking enough pains to catch this gang despite so many complaints about them. Not much of these crimes get reported as they are small crimes and the residents of this area are asked to keep up with their patience levels. Everyone has been very patient for all these months but this is certainly not the solution. Everyone wants that the gang should get arrested and these thefts should come to an end.

I am hopeful that if you are going to cover this social issue in your newspaper then more and more people around the city will become aware of it and not only this, the coverage is also going to get the attention of the government and the police department.

I strongly feel that this issue must be raised and the gang should be put behind the bars so that the residents can stay peacefully without having to worry about the safety and security of their homes and offices.

Thanking in anticipation.


Anthony Black

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