Signing and Sign out Policy Letter Format, Sample

Signing and Sign out Policy Letter Format
Employee Signing and Sign out Policy Letter

In order to keep the track of the working hours of the employees, employers usually maintain a record of each and every detail which forms the basis of calculating payrolls and taking other actions. And for that the staff must be aware of the sign in and sign out policy. To be able to do so, writing a Sign-in and Sign-out Policy Letter is the right thing to do. This kind of a letter describes what the employer expects the employees to do.

In this post, we have come up with the Logging In and Logging Out Letter template which not only covers information about recording system login and logout time but includes various other things as well.

Sample Sign-in and Sign-out Policy Letter to Employee

Date: June 25, 2022

Dear Employees,

I am writing this letter to announce the sign in and sign out policy for all the employees of Zenith Technologies. The company intends to correctly monitor the sign in and sign out times of all the employees and therefore, all the employees are required to follow the timings mentioned. The sign in time for all the employees will be 9.30 am and the sign out time will be 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday.

All the employees must use their biometric card for easy and automatic signing in and signing out on daily basis. Based on the punching of the biometric card, the total number of working hours will be calculated for each and every day for all the staff members. Marking of the attendance of other employees will not be accepted. And if you wish to sign out before the time mentioned above, you will need to have an approved permission from your supervisor or team lead.

The employees who will not follow the above mentioned rules will attract serious salary deductions. For any further queries, feel free to get in touch with the HR Department.


Adam Smith


Zenith Technologies

New York

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