Work from Home Request Letter Format to Boss

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Work from Home Request Letter to Boss, Work from Home Letter Format
Work from Home Request Letter to Boss

Not all companies approve work from home but with changing times, companies are also changing their policies. If you also wish to work from home for whatever reasons, you must write a formal work from home request letter to boss to seek the permission. A good work from home request letter format includes the reason you are seeking work from home to add more weight age to your request.

If you are thinking how to write a letter to ask your boss to work from home then here is the employee letter template asking to work from home. Create a simple work from home request letter using this example.

Request Letter Format for Work from Home to Boss



80 Stroud Green Road, Stroud Green,

London, UK

Date: 21st August, 2020



Project Manager

Infinity Technology Pvt. Ltd.


Sub: Request Letter to Work from Home

Respected Sir,

I would like to inform that I recently underwent a knee surgery and as per the instructions of the doctor I have been advise to avoid any kind of stress on the knee and unnecessary movement for a month. I am afraid that in this medical condition, I will not be able to come to office every day.

Therefore, I am writing this letter to request you to please allow me to work from home from August 22th, 2020 to September 18th, 2020. I completely understand that we have few deadlines to meet but I will ensure that due to my condition, my work does not suffer. I will be working full day from home and will make sure that the ongoing projects are completed on time. Moreover, I will keep you posted of the updates on daily basis.

I have enclosed my medical report and doctor’s note for your reference.

I again request you to kindly approve my request for work from home.

Thanking in anticipation.



Deputy Project Manager

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