Sympathy Letter For Illness Letter

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Arnold Shaw

45, Short Lane,


Dated: January 31, 2012

My dear son,

Hope this letter will find you in good hope and health. I am writing this letter to you on knowing your recent illness. I request you to make sure you take extra care of your timely food and regular exercise regiment. You have entered the career life first time and began living lonely on employment far from us and we too feel your distance a lot.  It is the testing time for you to learn to live life to lead an independent life in future. It will help you in learning a lot.

I understand that it gets difficult to take out time from your office work for sports and your pastime jogging. Still take out some time to find some leisure and during office hours to practice some physical movements and do not allow fat to concentrate in excess in any part of the body. I also suggest you to take extra care of your food and do not go for more carbohydrates. Indulge yourself into healthy eating habits. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Timely eat. We miss you here a lot.

Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Yours Lovingly,

Your Dad

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