Apology For Incorrect Payment Underpayment Letter

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Apology for Incorrect Payment Underpayment –


[Name, Company Name & Address here]


Dear [name],

This is in reference to the last payment made by us to your company.

This payment was made for the invoice [no.], We have found that unwarily we made a wrong payment to you. The check [check no.] we sent you on [date] was in the amount of $[amount], it was short of the actual due amount, $[total amount].

We are enclosing a new check [check no.] with this letter in amount $[amount], for the difference amount.

Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience and, we assure you that it will not happen again.




[Your name & Designation]

[Company name]

Encl: Check for $[amount]

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