Complementing Response to Complaint

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2345, Second Lane,

Cross Road, FL
May 13, 2012

<Mention Address of the Recipient Here>


Sometimes we as clients don’t like what we’ve purchased, and we have an obligation to complain. Unfortunately, some business don’t feel that they have an obligation to respond, and they act like once the sale closes, the client disappears. I’m writing to thank you for not being one of those companies.

Your response to my dissatisfaction with <object of complaint> was prompt, understanding and thoroughly professional. <description of action>.

Despite my previous dissatisfaction, I will continue to be a client of <name of the company>. Your actions have seen to that. Thank you very much for your courtesy and service.

Kind Regards,
Peter Andrews

encl: <List of enclosed items goes here>

Complementing Response to Complaint

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