Complementing Response to Complaint

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2345, Second Lane, Cross Road, FL May 13, 2012 <Mention Address of the Recipient Here> Hello. Sometimes we as clients don’t like what we’ve purchased, and we have an obligation to complain. Unfortunately, some business don’t feel that they have an obligation to respond, and they act like once the sale closes, the client disappears. … Read more

Complementing Good Treatment of Referral

2345, Third Lane, Cross Roads, IN May 13, 2012 <Mention the Recipient’s Address Here> Hello. Not long ago, I sent <person you referred> to you for <referred person’s need>. I just wanted to write to say thanks for treating <him/her/them> so well. <description> I appreciate the care and service you’ve given <person you referred>, and … Read more

Complementing Good Treatment of Referral

2345, Third Lane, Cross Roads, IN May 13, 2012 <Mention the Recipient’s Address Here> Hello. Not long ago, I sent <person you referred> to you for <referred person’s need>. I just wanted to write to say thanks for treating <him/her/them> so well. <description> I appreciate the care and service you’ve given <person you referred>, and … Read more