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Letter to Municipal Commissioner for Drainage Problem

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Letter to Municipal Commissioner for Drainage Problem
Complaint Letter for Drainage Problem

Drainage problem is a serious issue and if you are suffering from it then in order to have it fixed you have to write a letter to municipal commissioner for drainage problem. This kind of an application letter is a complaint letter for drainage problem which includes the location and the seriousness of the issue. You can even write an online complaint for drainage problem if you cannot write a complaint letter for drainage problem that can be sent via post.

In this post, we have come up with the sample letter to municipal commissioner for drainage which can be used for drafting a personalized letter for highlighting the issue.

Letter Format to Municipal Commissioner For Drainage Problem


John Gibs

54, Model Town


Date: April 15, 2022


The Municipal Commissioner

Municipal Commission


Sub: Regarding drainage problem

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter to inform you about the issues with drainage system in our locality. Presently, the status of drainage system is such that whenever it rains in the area, there is serious water clogging. What adds more to the situation is that our locality is around two to three feet deep compared to the adjacent areas which further worsen the situation.

In recent times, due to a slight rainfall in the area, it was shocking to see how much water got collected outside our houses. Therefore, I am writing this letter to bring to your notice the present situation of the drainage in our area. This problem, if not solved as soon as possible, it can lead to serious damages in the coming rainy season. Not just that it can also lead to traffic jams in the area.

I am hopeful that you will take this matter as urgent and take corrective actions to solve the drainage problem in our area.

Thanking in anticipation.


John Gibs

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1 thought on “Letter to Municipal Commissioner for Drainage Problem”

  1. Undue Harassment to Senior Citizen Group in Ward No. 100 (Block Nos.71/60 – 71/119 , Prem Nagar-Janak Puri, New Delhi: 110058 (Each Plot is having floor system on the existing structure). A/c Kulvinder Pal Singh (Mobile No. 9971555191 ) Grievance Pending since 2018-19 on the subject / Clearance of the Choke – drainage system causes over flow of Barsati Water on the Road; Waste material builds up in pieces as a result blockage in pipes causes the drained water and waste to flow back contaminated water which adversely impact the health. It causes growth of bacteria that leads to diseases and allergies in the skin of old aged person, compelled to pass on the way to visit Hospitals to follow instructions of senior doctors, etc. In most of the cases victims of our Colony lose consciousness, closing off the airway, making breathing impossible. Earlier, NIT uploaded on the Website and file closed after awarding job order by Shri Manoj Lakra, Junior Engineer (Civil) taking into confidence bidders to execute/adjust the estimated approved expenditure for another job – Contractor has been operating still his business in 5 different named companies to participate in NIT .0. Seeking need based – intervention to investigate Grievance in principle and in public interest on humanitarian ground – Relevant File needs to be reviewed for not resolving the issue in the interest of senior citizen as a special case by dedicated Senior Officer in SDMC. JE CIVIL CONFIRMED THAT HE HAD ALREADY CLOSED YOUR GRIEVANCE AND NOW EVEN CHAIRMAN OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF SDMC, WEST ZONE HAVE NO POWER TO CALL FOR THE FILE AGAIN FOR PROCESSING THE REQUEST/COMPLAINT IN FUTURE BECAUSE IN THE PREM NAGAR COLONY IN WARD NO.100 HARI NAGAR CONSTITUENCY HIS MOST OF THE RELATIVES OF SENIOR OFFICERS OF SDMC LIVING IN THE VICINITY ALSO AND THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF RE-EXAMINED TO SAFEGUARD INTEREST OF SENIOR CITIZEN, THEY WILL HAVE TO FACE DIFFICULTIES FOR REMOVAL OF ENCROACHMENTS BEYOND COVERED AREA APPROVED FOR PUBLIC PASSAGE INCLUDING DISMANTRALING OF SHOPS ETC. IN THE COLONY. IN PRINCIPLE THIS CASE NEEDS TO BE EXAMINED BY VIGILANCE DEPARTMENT OF DELHI GOVT FOCUSSING ATTENTION ON ANTI-CORRUPTION DEPARTMENT, ETC TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST GUILTY OFFICERS.




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