Sample Letter Template to Landlord Requesting Repairs

If you are staying as a tenant at some apartment or house and there are certain repairs that are needed by the property then you can always write a letter to your landlord requesting these repairs in a formal manner. Such a request letter for repair and maintenance is supposed to include in it all … Read more

Request Letter to Municipal Corporation for Speed Breakers

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Speed breakers are of great importance when it comes to prevent accidents that are caused by speeding of vehicles and order to get them constructed, you need to write a Request Letter to Municipal Corporation for Speed Breakers. The application for construction of speed breaker is a formal way of requesting the authorities to construct … Read more

Request Letter

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To: Ms. Danna Sanderson Sr. Manager – H. R. Department Country Chemicals Ltd. 23-, Second Floor, Ford Business Park, Concord, C.A. – 45263 March 12, 2012.   Dear Ms. Sanderson, I am Robert Shine, writing in to request you to re- schedule my interview for the post of ‘Technical Advisor’, which was on the last … Read more